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Pet Bucket Blog

12 Dog Assembly Fails

 by simone on 13 May 2014 |
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1. The leg pieces fit but the angle's wrong.

2. So close, but we need to adjust the back legs ninety-degrees inwards. 

3. These legs keep giving way. Have we missed a screw somewhere? 

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4. How did we manage to get three different sizes and colours from the one box?
... I mean, look at the photo on the packaging. 
5. Now that I see them together, I'm not sure the colour works with the sofa.

6. No I didn't measure it up beforehand. I really thought he'd fit.
7. The length doesn't seem right. Everything is just so compact. 
8. Wait, I can't tell which one is 'A'. 
9. They connect fine but which direction are they supposed to face?

10. Bah, the wrong way up again!

11. What the? Okay, let's just start over.


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